A-TACS Laminated Sheet Kydex and Holsters from Burly Man Tactical

Looking for the perfect holster to match to your A-TACS setup? Look no further than Burly Man Tactical's complete offering of customizable A-TACS Camo holsters and rigs, No matter what type of sidearm you run, they have a custom holster solution to fit your needs.
Not only do they offer a wide range of holster options, they also offer fabric laminated sheet Kydex in all of our A-TACS Camo X series of patterns. Fabric Laminated Kydex offers complete IR signature knockdown as well as the affording the ability to perfectly match the rest of you A-TACS Camo gear.
If you are looking to purchase a custom holster or if you are wanting to create your own from scratch, than Burly Man Tactical has got you covered. To find out more, or to place an order, visit them online at: www.burlymantactical.com.